Service Description
We believe in treating your body holistically when focusing on your sexual health goals and pelvic pain. Enjoyable sexual experiences and relief from your pelvic pain is possible for you with the right pelvic rehab.
Some foundational goals of pelvic rehab for pelvic pain and vaginismus are:
Restore balance in the pelvic floor muscles
Address nerve, muscle, or joint restrictions
Resolve abdominal, vulvar, vaginal, pelvic pain
Return to non-painful & pleasurable sexual experiences
Gain the ability to tolerate tampons & pelvic exams
Build relaxation throughout the body and nervous system
Our Process
Full-Body Assessment/Treatment
Muscle Relaxation & Pain Science
Internal Muscle Assessment
The V Boutiq Plan
We start with a thorough review of your medical history, sexual satisfaction, and sexual concerns. Because other muscles can be impacted from vaginismus and pelvic pain, we will perform an full-body assessment of your hips, spine, and pelvis. Our hands-on treatments release tight tissues, mobilize joints, and achieve muscle balance. We specialize in myofascial release and joint mobilization in all regions of the body. We also perform trigger point dry needling, cupping, and scar mobilization.
If you have vaginismus, you may have attempted dilators/trainers in the past. Using pain science approaches and education, nervous system down-training, and muscle relaxation techniques, we have created an effective and efficient dilator/trainer protocol - that works! We will work together to tailor the protocol to your pace and sexual wellness goals.
We may decide to perform an internal vaginal assessment of your pelvic floor muscles. We use a single, gloved index finger to gently assess the tone, coordination, and symptoms in the muscles of your pelvic floor. We always proceed gently, and with your consent, to your tolerance.
There is hope and healing available to you! With a V Boutiq Bundle, we create a customized program to address the root cause of your tension and pain over the course of a few visits. If you only plan for 1 visit, we provide you with a foundational program with some guidance for progression on your own.